Thought Leadership
June 19, 2024

The Role of VR in Sports with Dr. Luke Wilkins

Please note this is an overview from the Staying Connected Podcast with Chase Aldridge and Dr. Luke Wilkins. You can find the full video on our YouTube or Spotify page.

- Host (Chase Aldridge): Welcomes Dr. Luke Wilkins, a lecturer at La Trobe University in Australia, with a background in various sports organizations and universities.

- Dr. Luke Wilkins: Expresses enjoyment in discussing his field of study.

Background and Motivation:

- Dr. Luke Wilkins: Talks about his amateur sporting background in soccer, cricket, and American football. His inability to progress in sports led him to pursue academic study in sports.

- Education: Completed a PhD under Rob Gray at Arizona State University, focusing on vision testing and training in sports.

Career Journey:

- Post-PhD: Taught at Newcastle and collaborated with Dr. Greg Applebaum at Duke University.

- Yankees Opportunity: Got hired by the New York Yankees as a vision and cognition scientist, later expanding to skill acquisition and technology vetting roles.

- Current Role: Returned to academia in Australia, researching and teaching sports science.

Experience with the Yankees:

- Role Description: Tested and trained players' visual and cognitive skills, worked on skill acquisition, and evaluated sports technology.

- Integration: Emphasized listening, observing, and understanding the organizational culture before implementing changes.

- Cultural Differences: Compared approaches to skill development in different countries, noting America is catching up in skill acquisition research.

Research and Application:

- VR in Sports: Discussed his paper on using virtual reality (VR) to enhance psychological performance in baseball.

- Use Cases: Provided six use cases in the paper, based on real-world applications and scientific research, such as psychological readiness for players transitioning to new levels.

- Impact: Highlighted VR's potential to expose players to high-pressure situations, helping them adjust to new environments.

Challenges and Implementation:

- Importance of Dedication: Stressed the need for dedicated individuals to implement VR programs in sports organizations.

- Cost and Accessibility: Mentioned that VR is not as expensive as perceived and can be accessible to smaller clubs with proper prioritization.

- Examples of Use: Cited use cases for injured players and psychological readiness as practical applications.

Current Research Interests:

- Mechanisms Behind Performance: Interested in using VR to understand the mechanisms of sporting performance, such as pitch release points and hitter timing.

- Future Projects: Exploring various VR manipulations to enhance sports training and research.

- Contact Information: Dr. Wilkins prefers email for communication, offering to discuss VR and its applications in sports.

For more information or follow ups contact

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