Connect Platform
June 24, 2024

How Martin Pitching Performance Scaled Their Business with The Connect Platform

Running a boot strapped facility is no easy task, and Reeves Martin, founder of Martin Pitching Performance, knows this all too well. With a background as a player and coach for the Seattle Mariners, Reeves brought a wealth of knowledge and passion to training athletes. However, he quickly discovered that passion alone wasn't enough to overcome the significant hurdles he faced in scaling his business.

Reeves' biggest challenge was managing the time-consuming manual tasks that bogged him down daily. He spent countless hours each week manually inputting training programs into spreadsheets, a process that offered no visibility into the athletes' progress. On average, he was dedicating ten hours a week to programming alone. Moreover, his phone's storage was constantly maxed out with athlete videos, as Google Drive proved to be a cumbersome and limiting solution. Reeves knew that to grow his business and reach more athletes, he needed a system that allowed him to deliver quality programs at scale, both in-person and remotely.

Reeves vetted multiple solutions but nothing stuck with what he was looking for. However, everything changed when Reeves discovered the Connect platform. Intrigued by its potential, he scheduled a meeting with the Connect team to explore how their solution could revolutionize his operations. During the meeting, Reeves laid out his current workflow and the various challenges he faced. The Connect team was able to solution and demo a workflow that met his needs and offered some customization to meet his exact use case.

The Solution
The transition to the Connect platform was swift and seamless. Within two weeks, the team helped Reeves move away from Google Sheets, importing his entire athlete and workout database into their platform. From there, the Connect team enabled him in trainings and support documents to successfully launch his remote training.

With the Connect platform, Reeves could now program athlete schedules in half the time it previously took, reducing his weekly programming hours from ten to just five. This newfound efficiency allowed him to take on more athletes, effectively doubling his client base.

The Results
The benefits extended far beyond time savings. The Connect platform enabled Reeves to see data trends and track every necessary metric with high compliance from his athletes. The integrated storage solution solved his video storage issues, allowing him to store videos and provide detailed video breakdowns directly within the app. Communication with athletes became seamless, all happening on one unified platform.

This increase in efficiency and client capacity drove significant incremental revenue for Martin Pitching Performance. More importantly, it allowed Reeves to fulfill his dream of reaching a larger audience through a hybrid training model that combined the best of in-person and remote coaching.

Today, Martin Pitching Performance has continued its growth. Reeves Martin stands as a testament to how the right tools and technology can transform a business. With the Connect platform, Reeves has not only scaled his operations but has also significantly enhanced the quality of his training programs, all while achieving a work-life balance that once seemed impossible.

If you're looking to overcome similar challenges in your business, consider exploring what the Connect platform can do for you. Like Reeves, you might find that the right technology can be the key to unlocking your business's full potential.

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