Thought Leadership
June 19, 2024

Staying Connected with Austin Jochum

These notes are the highlights of our podcast Austin Jochum. For the full interview you can access our podcast on Spotify and Youtube.


In this episode of the Staying Connected podcast, Chase interviews Austin Jochum about his transition to an ecological approach in strength and conditioning. They discuss how to collaborate with sport-specific coaches, identify rate limiters, and incorporate fun into training sessions. Austin shares his insights and experiences on moving away from traditional methods and embracing a more dynamic and adaptive coaching style.

Key Points

1. Transition to an Ecological Approach:

   - Gradual Shift: Austin's journey towards an ecological approach wasn't an immediate switch but rather a gradual process filled with many smaller "red pill" moments. These moments collectively led to a significant paradigm shift.

   - Initial Realization: A key moment for Austin was during his college football days. Despite his impressive weight room strength (a 350-pound clean), he was outperformed on the field by a less impressive-looking senior linebacker. This highlighted the gap between weight room performance and actual on-field effectiveness.

2. Ecological Dynamics and Real-World Application:

   - Exposure to Reality: Austin emphasizes the importance of exposing oneself to real-world scenarios that test theories and methods. This means moving beyond the controlled environment of the gym and engaging in actual sports or dynamic activities.

   - Learning from Emergence: He credits much of his understanding to learning from experts at Emergence, like Sean Mishka and Tyler Yerby, who focus on ecological dynamics in sports performance.

3. Feedback Loops and Coaching Adjustments:

   - Importance of Feedback Austin discusses the different nature of feedback loops in coaching versus playing. While the feedback in sports is immediate and clear, coaching feedback can be misleading if based solely on controlled or artificial scenarios.

   - Systemization: He criticizes overly systemized training programs that do not reflect the chaotic and dynamic nature of actual sports. Austin advocates for creating systems that bridge the gap between structured training and real-life application.

4. Dealing with Ego and Embracing Humility:

   - Ego in Coaching: Austin addresses the challenge of managing ego in coaching. He argues that many coaches create rigid systems to boost their own egos rather than genuinely improving athlete performance.

   - Red Pill Moments: These are moments when a coach or athlete realizes the limitations or flaws in their current understanding or methods. Austin believes these moments are crucial for growth and improvement.

5. Case Studies and Real-World Examples:

   - Skill Acquisition: Austin highlights the difference in skill acquisition between elite and average athletes. Elite athletes often learn new skills much faster due to their high movement literacy.

   - Specific Examples: He shares stories of athletes who quickly adapted to new training methods, illustrating the potential for rapid improvement when ecological dynamics are applied.

6. Training Environment and Constraints:

   - Varied Training Groups: Austin's training environment includes athletes from diverse sports and backgrounds. This variety fosters a rich learning environment where athletes can learn from each other.

   - Constraints-Led Approach: He uses the constraints-led approach to challenge athletes and coaches alike, encouraging creativity and problem-solving.

7. **Psychological Barriers and Athlete Development:

   - **Psychological Constraints**: Austin stresses the importance of addressing psychological constraints that athletes impose on themselves. These often limit their performance more than physical constraints.

   - **Creating Supportive Environments**: By fostering an environment where athletes are encouraged to experiment and fail, coaches can help them overcome these psychological barriers.

8. Future Directions and Personal Development:

   - Continuous Learning: Austin is committed to continuous learning and self-improvement. He engages in various activities, like slow-pitch softball, to challenge himself and gain new insights.

   - Integrating New Concepts: He is exploring the integration of psychedelics in skill acquisition and microdosing as a means to enhance learning and performance.

Resources to Dive Into

1. Ecological Dynamics and Skill Acquisition:

   - Books by Rafe Kelley: Deep dive into ecological dynamics and their application in sports.

   - Research on Ecological Dynamics: Academic papers and articles on the principles and applications of ecological dynamics in sports performance.

2. Podcasts and Interviews:

   - Emergence Podcast: Episodes featuring experts like Sean Mishka and Tyler Yerby discussing ecological approaches to sports training.

3. Psychology and Self-Improvement:

   - Books by Jordan Peterson: Insights into psychology, self-improvement, and understanding human behavior.

   - Greg Saunders' Work: Insights from the Jiu-Jitsu coach on the psychological aspects of training and self-improvement.

4. Practical Training Guides:

   - Austin Jochum's Programs: Practical training programs and methodologies available on Austin's website and social media platforms.

   - Interactive Training Resources: Videos and guides demonstrating the application of ecological dynamics in various sports.

Contact Information

- Austin Jochum:

  - Instagram: [Austin Jochum](  

For further questions or to discuss ecological approaches and training methods, Austin can be contacted through the above channels.

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