Thought Leadership
June 25, 2024

 Adam Law: Embracing the Ecological Approach in Baseball

Chase Aldridge: Welcomes Adam Law, BYU coach, to discuss his journey into the ecological approach to skill acquisition and its current applications.

- Adam Law: Shares his background as a walk-on college baseball player, a minor league player for the Dodgers and Mariners, and his transition to coaching and obtaining a master's degree in performance psychology.

Journey to the Ecological Approach:

- Family Influence: Adam's father, a major league all-star, initially influenced his training methods. Adam later recognized the limitations of sticking to a single approach.

- Professional Experience: Encountered various coaching styles and began to appreciate different methods after facing barriers in his own development.

- Player Development: Realized traditional training methods were insufficient for rapidly improving youth players aiming to sign professionally or play at university levels.

- Exploration: Along with colleagues, Adam explored European soccer and tennis development, embracing the ecological approach, constraints-led training, and differential learning, which were less common in the U.S. baseball context.

Convincing Players and Implementing New Methods:

- Data and Proof: Players respond well to data and proof of effectiveness. Presenting successful examples and periodic progress reviews helps gain their buy-in.

- Infield Defense: Uses an infield report card system to track and improve defensive skills, inspired by methods from Kai Correa and other coaches.

- Detailed Planning: Emphasizes the importance of planning and tracking progress, which requires more effort but leads to better results.

Creative Training Techniques:

- Kill Zone Training: Focuses on catching the ball in the "kill zone" using various implements like small gloves and even novelty oversized gloves to enhance skill stability.

- Gamification and Motivation: Creates a culture of learning and embraces failure as part of the process. Gamifies drills to keep players engaged and motivated.

Blending Mental and Physical Skills:

- Mental Skills Integration: Adam's background in mental skills coaching informs his approach, coupling physical skill development with mental skills like diaphragmatic breathing to handle anxiety and improve performance.

- Mental Flexibility: Emphasizes the importance of mental flexibility and adaptability, using a theoretical framework of mental fitness markers: strength, endurance, flexibility, and resilience.

- Effective vs. Ineffective Thoughts: Encourages players to distinguish between effective and ineffective thoughts rather than simply labeling them as positive or negative.

Challenges and Adaptability:

- Routine vs. Flexibility: Helps players recognize that rigid routines can become crutches. Encourages adaptability by questioning the necessity of specific pre-game rituals and focusing on what is within their control.

- Transitioning Roles: As a college coach, Adam is excited to experience the different stressors and schedules of college players compared to professional players, aiming to help them balance their identities and roles.

- Contact Information: Adam can be found on Twitter and Instagram (@AdamLaw217) and his website,

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