Thought Leadership
June 19, 2024

A Deep Dive Into The Spinal Engine Theory With Ben Baggett

Please note that these notes were taken from our podcast Staying Connected which can be found on Youtube and Spotify. Feel free to listen to the full episode or check out our spinal engine e-book.


In this episode of the Staying Connected podcast, Chase Aldridge interviews Ben Baggett about the "Spinal Engine" eBook available on the CP website. Ben discusses the origins of the spinal engine theory, its application in training athletes, and some remarkable case studies illustrating its effectiveness.

Key Points

1. Origins of the Spinal Engine Theory:

   - Serge Gracovetsky: The spinal engine theory was developed by Serge Gracovetsky, a Russian-born engineer and physicist. His work initially focused on understanding the biomechanics of the spine, particularly in relation to spinal injuries observed in paratroopers.

   - Theory: The core idea of the spinal engine theory is that the spine's natural curvature and its ability to bend and rotate play a significant role in driving human movement. This contrasts with the traditional view that emphasizes the legs as the primary drivers of locomotion.

   - Application in Paratroopers: Gracovetsky's interest in the spine was piqued by the high incidence of spinal injuries among paratroopers. He hypothesized that understanding the spine's mechanics could help mitigate these injuries and improve overall movement efficiency.

2. Principles of the Spinal Engine Theory:

   - Curved Spine: Unlike a straight rod, the human spine has a natural S-curve. This curvature allows the spine to bend and rotate, creating a dynamic system that contributes to movement.

   - Rotation and Movement: When the spine bends to the side, it induces rotation due to its curvature. This rotational movement helps propel the body forward, utilizing elastic energy stored in the connective tissues.

   - Energy Efficiency: The spinal engine theory suggests that this rotational movement is more energy-efficient than the traditional model of using leg muscles as springs to push the body forward. It emphasizes the use of elastic energy in connective tissues, which is less energy-intensive than muscle contractions.

3. Application in Athletic Training:

   - Initial Exposure: Ben Baggett was introduced to the spinal engine theory through his colleague Walsh, who had a copy of Gracovetsky's book. Despite its dense and technical nature, the book provided valuable insights into the mechanics of the spine.

   - Collaborative Effort: Ben and Walsh collaborated with a chiropractor, Nevin Markle, to apply the spinal engine theory to their training programs. Markle's expertise in spinal health and connective tissue dynamics was instrumental in developing practical applications of the theory.

   - Structural Assessments: By conducting detailed structural assessments, including observing athletes without shirts to better see spinal mechanics, they were able to identify and address issues in spinal alignment and movement.

4. Case Studies and Results:

   - Scoliosis Case Study: One notable case involved our athlete, Connor Godwin, with severe scoliosis. By focusing on restoring basic spinal mechanics through chiropractic care and targeted exercises, the athlete's throwing velocity improved dramatically from the mid-80s to 99 mph.

   - Blake Brown: Another athlete, Blake Brown, transitioned from a linear to a more rotational throwing technique. By incorporating step-back drills and focusing on spinal rotation, Blake achieved significant improvements in his throwing efficiency and speed.

   - Observations: Removing athletes' shirts during throwing assessments provided clear visual evidence of spinal mechanics in action. This allowed for real-time adjustments and more effective training interventions.

5. Biomechanical Insights:

   - Segmented Movement Traditional biomechanical models often treat the torso as a single rigid segment. However, the spinal engine theory emphasizes the importance of individual vertebral segments and their ability to move relative to each other.

   - Elastic Properties: The viscoelastic properties of connective tissues allow them to behave like rubber bands, storing and releasing elastic energy. This is crucial for efficient movement and reducing the energy cost of locomotion.

   - Rotation and Torque: The rotational movement of the spine creates torque, which helps drive the pelvis and trunk. This coordinated movement is essential for activities like throwing, where maximizing rotational efficiency is key.

6. Challenges and Considerations:

   - Complexity of Application: Applying the spinal engine theory requires a deep understanding of spinal mechanics and individualized assessment of each athlete's structural and movement patterns.

   - Integration with Traditional Training: While the spinal engine theory offers valuable insights, it must be integrated with traditional training methods to create a holistic approach to athletic development.

   - Continuous Learning: Staying open to new ideas and continuously reflecting on training outcomes is crucial. Ben emphasizes the importance of being willing to accept that current models might be wrong and always striving for accuracy.

Practical Applications and Exercises

1. Step-Back Drills:

   - Purpose: These drills help athletes engage their spine's rotational capacity and improve overall throwing mechanics.

   - Execution: Athletes take a significant step back with their rear foot, creating a teeter-totter effect. This movement emphasizes the spine's role in generating rotational force.

2. Structural Exercises:

   - Low-Level Structural Exercises: These exercises focus on restoring spinal alignment and improving flexibility and strength in the connective tissues surrounding the spine.

   - Tissue Work: Incorporating soft tissue work, such as myofascial release and targeted stretching, helps address specific areas of tightness and restriction.

3. Throwing Assessments:

   - Shirtless Throwing: Conducting throwing assessments without shirts allows for a clearer view of spinal mechanics and helps identify areas for improvement.

   - Video Analysis: Using video analysis to capture and review throwing mechanics in detail provides valuable feedback and helps track progress.

Additional Resources to Dive Into

1. "The Spinal Engine" by Serge Gracovetsky: The foundational text that explains the theory in detail.

2. CP's Spinal Engine eBook: Available on the CP website, this eBook includes practical applications, case studies, and embedded videos and gifs.

3. Research Papers: Explore academic papers on biomechanics, spinal mechanics, and their applications in sports.

4. Articles and Video: Look for additional resources that discuss the spinal engine theory and its implications for athletic training.

Contact Information

- Ben Baggett:

  - Instagram: @builtbybaggett

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