Connect Platform
July 30, 2023

Connect... The Next ERP for Player Development?

With the evolution of technology and data in baseball comes an entirely new world of problems. We now have a better understanding of how to maximize a player's potential but we still struggle to read data, decipher data, and house their training programs under one place. Connected Performance sets out to solve those issues by not becoming "just another tab on your screen."

So what is an ERP system? An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a comprehensive software solution that integrates various business processes such as finance, supply chain management, manufacturing, sales, and human resources into a centralized database, automating tasks, providing real-time insights, streamlining operations, and enabling better collaboration across an organization. It optimizes efficiency, enhances visibility, supports decision-making, ensures regulatory compliance, and can lead to cost savings, though its implementation requires careful planning, customization, training, and maintenance to align with the business's specific needs and growth objectives.

Just as ERP systems integrate data from various departments, Connect seamlessly integrate data from different sources to provide comprehensive player insights. The platform combines data from video, Trackman, Rapsodo, and other tracking technologies to create a holistic view of a player's performance. This integrated data enables coaches to gain deep insights into player strengths, weaknesses, and progress, facilitating data-driven decision-making for optimal player development.

Streamlining Player Development with Integrated Workflows:\
An ERP system streamlines business processes through integrated workflows, and Connect does the same for player development. By integrating training schedules, performance data, video, nutrition, analytics, and coaching feedback, the platform creates a unified ecosystem where coaches can efficiently manage player growth. This integration fosters collaboration among coaches, players, and support staff, resulting in a coordinated effort towards achieving team goals. Use our dashboard for a customized high level overview of the athlete or get granular with the data provided by breaking down every exercise or throw.

Personalized Training Plans through Integration
Gone are the days of Excel. In the Winter of 2022 I was talking to the New York Yankee's base running coach on his programming for speed development. He told me this story that one of his player's called him asking for a program while he was on vacation at Disney World with his family. Instead of pulling out his phone and building in something right through the app, he had to run back to his hotel to make this All-Star's program. I'm sure this sounds familiar if you a coach, especially a remote coach. Integration of player performance data and training modules empowers baseball training platforms to create personalized development plans for each player. By correlating specific weaknesses with targeted training exercises, the platform designs tailored programs that address individual improvement areas. The integration of real-time progress tracking ensures that training plans can be continuously adjusted, maximizing their effectiveness. Program your athletes anytime, anywhere.

Collaboration and Communication with Built in Messaging
Just as ERP systems facilitate seamless collaboration among teams, Connect encourage communication and data sharing through seamless integration. Coaches, players, and support staff can access the same up-to-date information in real-time, making it easier to collaborate and strategize effectively. The platform's integrated communication tools promote an open dialogue among team members, leading to a unified approach to player development. Easily message your coach and send files or videos through the platform.

Injury Prevention and Management with Integrated Insights
Similar to how ERP systems integrate supply chain data for optimized inventory management, Connect integrates player health insights to optimize injury prevention and management. Wearable technology and biometric sensors such as Whoop provide continuous data on player workload and fatigue, which is then integrated into the platform. This integration enables coaches to make data-driven decisions on player rest and recovery, reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing overall player well-being.

Measure How Your Stuff Plays
With the ability to import Trackman and Rapsodo data Connect allows you to not only store the progress of your pitch data but measure out your Stuff+ with our built in model (beta version pending). From here, you'll be able to stack up a video analysis with your metrics.

Real-Time Performance Analysis with Integrated Feeds
Updated data feeds from the imports of the athlete empowers Connect to provide instant performance analysis. Coaches can access live data during training sessions, which is integrated into the platform for analysis, tracking and immediate feedback. The integration of live tracking upon completion allows coaches to make same day adjustments and provide timely guidance, ensuring continuous player improvement.

Integration is at the core of both ERP systems and Connect, enabling data-driven decision-making, seamless collaboration, and streamlined processes. As these platforms revolutionize player development, the integration of various technologies and data sources creates a powerful toolset for coaches and teams. With integrated insights, communication, and injury management, baseball training platforms are poised to be the next ERP system for player development, ushering in a new era of data-enhanced performance and success on the field.

To streamline your organizations player development, make better decisions, and save countless hours contact today.

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